

Nobody really knows where Bryan Ferry came from. All you can tell from Roxy Music's records is that at a tender age, Bryan suffered a vision of beauty too intense for mortal eye. Ever since, he's been condemned to wander the earth in exile, haunted by its memory, changing wardrobes every twenty minutes and mixing great martinis. Not a bad trick, coming on like a sad-eyed wandering minstrel and a haughty supermodel at the same time. But Ferry's forlorn croon makes all his guises credible, since he offers so much emotional succor in return for your belief. No matter how intricate his songs, no matter how tight his toreador pants or how arch his lounge-lizard falsetto, Bryan Ferry always convinces you he cares. Tired of the tango, fed up with fandango, he performs the rituals of romance like a high priest who loves the rituals as much as the romance.
Siren is Roxy Music's masterpiece, with elegantly funky rockers and strangely humble ballads. In "Could It Happen to Me?" and "Just Another High," Ferry faces the music and dances into the realization that "my old-world charm isn't quite enough," which only adds to his old-world charm.


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